Build my own LFS(NOTE)

##LFS是为了服务器安全需要,定制的LINUX系统 ###The primary target architecture of LFS is the 32-bit Intel CPU. The computer bit commond is arch or uname -a

###Standards The structure of LFS follows Linux standards as closely as possible. The primary standards are:


POSIX 表示可移植操作系统接口(Portable Operating System Interface ,缩写为 POSIX 是为了读音更像 UNIX)

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)

规范在根目录(/)及子目录(/usr, /var)下面各个主要目录应该放什么样的文件

Linux Standard Base (LSB) Core Specification 4.0

The LSB has five separate standards: Core, C++, Desktop, Runtime Languages, and Printing.

###Before building an LFS system, we recommend reading the following HOWTOs:

• Software-Building-HOWTO

This is a comprehensive guide to building and installing “generic” Unix software packages under Linux. Although it was written some time ago, it still provides a good summary of the basic techniques needed to build and install software.

• The Essential Pre-Reading Hint

This is an LFS Hint written specifically for users new to Linux. It includes a list of links to excellent sources of information on a wide range of topics. Anyone attempting to install LFS should have an understanding of many of the topics in this hint.


The Linux User’s Guide

The Linux Systems Adminstrator’s Guide

The Linux Network Administrator’s Guide, Second Edition

Building and Installing Software Packages for Linux

Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool

###Note For experienced users, other partitioning schemes are possible. The new LFS system can be on a software RAID array or an LVM logical volume. However, some of these options require an initramfs, which is an advanced topic. These partitioning methodologies are not recommended for first time LFS users.




Published: 2012-06-04
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